Monday, August 15, 2011

Time Flies...

So much has changed in the last few months! I started a new job at Biomat, USA here in Orem, and LOVING it! I work with a lot of really cool people and the management is great and understanding with my schedule and my need to pump (most of them are guys and seem to get really uncomfortable when I ask, so now I basically just look at them and then go).

We moved into a new place just a couple miles away from our old apartment, and are liking it so much more! We really miss our old ward and friends, but continue to try and stay in touch as much as possible. Kinda nervous about going to our new ward... it tends to be a little more difficult to find a great ward out in Utah, but you gotta be optimistic! I think it will be more of a "family" ward vs. a newlywed/ one-or-two children type ward, which is fine... at least I hope!

Kevin and I celebrated our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY just last weekend! I can't believe it has already been a year, and all the things we have accomplished together... the biggest one, making such a beautiful daughter, who we were able to bless on our anniversary! She is soooooo much fun and I couldn't ask for a better baby! Her little smile just melts my heart. She is getting big WAY too fast... loves to sit up, stand/bounce and she is trying to roll over! (Momma's not ready for that!) But we are loving watching her grow into such a beautiful girl. I just still can't believe she is two and a half months old! Time really does fly when you're having fun!!

Kaelyn wore the same dress I wore when I was blessed 23 years ago!

That smile is irresistable!

Happy Anniversary babe!

She's the light of my life <3